Nashville Scooter Accident Lawyer

Dockless electric scooters have quickly become a common mode of transportation in Nashville. Seven scooter companies currently operate in Music City, including Bird, Lime, and Lyft. Together, they’ve brought 4,150 scooters to city streets. Electric scooters were intended to offer a convenient alternative to cars, but scooter-related injuries are on the rise. Residents and tourists should be aware of the dangers surrounding scooter use in highly trafficked areas.

According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidents involving electric scooters can cause broken bones, abrasions to the face and upper body, and even severe head trauma. These injuries can be serious, and they often result in medical bills some patients may not be able to afford. If you or a loved one was injured in a scooter wreck due to someone else’s negligence, our personal injury attorneys want to help. Call to speak with a Nashville scooter accident lawyer about your legal rights and options.


Electric scooters can reach speeds up to 20 MPH, making them much more dangerous than a foot-propelled scooter. In Nashville, users must follow basic safety precautions when riding an electric scooter to protect themselves and others.

• Operators must be 18 years or older and have a valid driver’s license.
• Scooters may not be ridden on the sidewalk in a business district, and riders must obey all rules of the road.
• Where sidewalk-riding is allowed, riders must give the right of way to pedestrians.
• When not in use, scooters must be parked upright and out of right-of-way areas.

After an accident involving an electric scooter, contact Ponce Law for a free case review.


If you have been injured in an accident involving a dockless electric scooter that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation. Our Nashville electric scooter collision attorneys want to help you hold the negligent party responsible.

Responsible parties may include:

• A rider
• A pedestrian or motorist
• The scooter company (in the case of a defective scooter)
• The city (in the case of dangerous road conditions)


At Ponce Law, we’re ready to investigate your scooter accident to help you get the money you deserve for your injury-related expenses. Our personal injury attorneys are familiar with the laws surrounding electric scooter accidents and the injuries they cause. Call today for a free consultation with a Nashville scooter accident lawyer.


It was very easy to have a relationship with my attorney. It was professional but also comfortable. I was at ease. I wasn’t feeling like I was intimidated or anything. It was just comfortable.

- Charlotte J.

If I ever had anything else happen, if I needed you, I would be happy to come back.

- Jim P.

I would definitely recommend the firm to anyone. They seem like they care and I would have no problem at all in recommending the firm to anyone.

- Ronald D.