You’re tired. We get it. The last few weeks leading up to Christmas have been exhausting. From last minute shopping to celebrations with friends and family, sleep has been a premium for over a month. And the holiday season isn’t over. This coming weekend we’ll usher in the New Year Nashville style, which we’re all looking forward to. As always, we encourage you to celebrate responsibly and make arrangements for transportation if you’re unfit to drive. And we’re not just talking about alcohol consumption.
According to a new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, driving after getting too little sleep is just as dangerous as driving intoxicated. As crazy as that sounds, it’s true. The study found that driving fatigued is the equivalent of getting behind the wheel after consuming 3-4 alcoholic drinks. Slower response times, dozing off, and blurred vision are just a few of the dangers driving fatigued pose, all of which can lead to a devastating crash. With more than 35% of all Americans running on less than the recommended seven hours of sleep, the chances of you encountering a fatigued driver on the road are pretty good.
At Ponce Law, we encourage all Nashville drivers to think twice before getting behind the wheel tired this New Year’s Eve or any day of the year. Making other arrangements just might save your life.