Risk is a major reason many folks never call an experienced personal injury attorney following an accident. That’s understandable. The insurance company often offers a settlement check pretty quickly following an injury, which many victims take out of a fear of loss. It takes stepping back and asking some tough questions in order to get the help you need, and risk is always part of the equation.
At Ponce Law, we understand that hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can be scary, which is why we work to take as much of the risk out of the equation as possible. For example, you can call us anytime for a free consultation with no obligation to become a client. That means you can speak with an attorney initially without fear of receiving a bill. Along those same lines, we offer all of our clients a No Fee Guarantee®. That means if you become a client, you won’t owe us anything unless we get money for you.
We believe everyone should have access to an experienced law firm without having to break the bank. If you’ve been injured, call the experienced personal injury lawyers at Ponce Law for your free, no obligation consultation. We’re ready to put our extensive experience to work for you at no risk to your pocketbook. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact us today.