Medications that Can Affect Safe Driving

According to Georgetown University, around two-thirds of all Americans—more than 131 million people—use prescription drugs. The number of people who use over-the-counter medications is even higher. All drugs have side effects, whether they’re used to treat minor headaches or invasive cancer. But one of the most common side effects of both prescription and over-the-counter medications is drowsiness.

Drowsiness is okay when you’re getting ready to go to sleep, but it’s not okay to experience when you’re about to drive to work, school, or other places. If you take any of the following medications, ask your doctor about what to do if you need to drive:

  • Allergy medications—Many allergy medications contain ingredients that are known to result in sleepiness.
  • Antidepressants—Certain types of antidepressants can make you tired.
  • Anxiety medications—The feeling of relaxation produced by anti-anxiety drugs can cause some patients to feel sleepy.
  • Blood pressure medications—Medications designed to lower blood pressure can do so by slowing the heart, which can result in drowsiness.
  • Opioids—Opioids are highly effective (and addictive) painkillers that are also known to produce a feeling of sleepiness in many patients.
  • Seizure medications—These medications act on the brain in a similar manner as anti-anxiety drugs, and they can also cause sleepiness.

If you were hurt in a crash that was caused by a driver who was impaired by a medication, can you sue them? The answer depends on many factors, and the Nashville auto accident lawyers at Ponce Law can help. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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