What You Should Know About Driving in Foggy Weather

Fog can occur at any time of year, but it’s more common in autumn and early winter. When it comes to inclement driving conditions, fog is in a tight race with snow and ice for being among the most dangerous to drive in.

Although fog doesn’t have any effect on the road itself, it can severely limit or even eliminate visibility. Tennessee is unfortunately home to one of the deadliest fog-related crashes in history. On Dec. 11, 1990, fog reduced visibility to less than 10 feet on a stretch of Interstate 75 near Calhoun. The result was a nearly 100-car pileup that claimed the lives of 12 people and injured 42 others.

When most of us drive in fog, it’s only a minor annoyance or danger. We can still see dozens, if not hundreds of feet ahead of us. But fog should never be underestimated as a risk factor for causing crashes.

First, fog can suddenly worsen. 100 feet of visibility can be reduced by half without warning. And visibility can again reduce even from that level in a matter of minutes or seconds.

If you notice that you’re about to drive through heavy fog, begin slowing down immediately. In addition, be sure to turn off your high beams if you had them on. Instead of improving your visibility, bright lights reflect back at you, reducing your visibility. In addition, turn on your fog lights if your vehicle is equipped with them.

If fog is significant, find a safe place to pull over and wait it out. You never know what may be up ahead, including a major pileup. Negligent drivers abound both in inclement weather and on perfect sunny days, and when they cause crashes, our Nashville auto accident lawyers are here to help. Call Ponce Law after a crash that wasn’t your fault.


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