
  • Spring Roadwork and Increased Trucking: Safeguarding Your Commute in Nashville
    Spring Roadwork and Increased Trucking: Safeguarding Your Commute in Nashville
    As Nashville welcomes spring, its roads welcome more construction, more trucks, and more risks of accidents. Navigating through construction zones and sharing lanes with large trucks requires vigilance, as well as an understanding of how to adjust driving habits for safety. At Ponce Law, we recognize the potential hazards of the road and are committed to offering valuable insights to...
  • Ponce Law Marks 30 Years of Excellence in Advocacy for Nashville’s Community
    Ponce Law Marks 30 Years of Excellence in Advocacy for Nashville’s Community
    NASHVILLE, TN – Ponce Law, Nashville’s trusted, local personal injury law firm, proudly celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Three decades of unwavering commitment to justice, personalized service, and a deep connection with the Nashville community have set Ponce Law apart as a beacon of legal excellence. Established in 1994 by renowned attorney Michael Ponce, Ponce Law has grown from...
  • Truck Drivers Must Follow More Traffic Laws Than Other Drivers
    Truck Drivers Must Follow More Traffic Laws Than Other Drivers
    Did you know that a truck driver who never exceeds the speed limit, never drives while distracted or intoxicated, never fails to use turn signals, and always comes to a complete stop at stop signs may still be in violation of multiple laws? That’s because people and parties in the trucking industry must also comply with guidelines established by the...
  • Product Liability Claims: Steps to Take After an Injury
    Product Liability Claims: Steps to Take After an Injury
    Whether you’re reading this blog post on a phone, a laptop, or a desktop computer, there’s a good chance you’re using a manufactured product right now. And it’s likely that your product went through lots of testing to make sure it’s safe to use. But not all products meet the standards we expect, leading to unforeseen injuries and, sometimes, severe...
  • Essential Safety Gear Every Motorcyclist Should Have
    Essential Safety Gear Every Motorcyclist Should Have
    Riding a motorcycle is a uniquely thrilling experience. But with that increased thrill comes increased risks, making safety gear not just an option but a necessity. As motorcyclists enjoy the freedom of the open road, understanding and wearing appropriate safety equipment is crucial in order to safeguard against the unpredictable. At Ponce Law, we've seen firsthand the difference that quality...
  • Daylight Saving Time and Increased Accident Risks: What Every Driver Should Know
    Daylight Saving Time and Increased Accident Risks: What Every Driver Should Know
    Each year, as we adjust our clocks for Daylight Saving Time (DST), there's more at play than just losing an hour of sleep or gaining an extra hour of evening sunlight. This shift in our daily schedule can have significant, often underestimated impacts on road safety. In fact, research indicates a notable increase in the rate of car accidents following...