It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over for our children. Soon they’ll head back to school for another year. Many Nashville students live close enough to their schools to be able to walk to and from every day. Although convenient for the student and the family, walking to school can be dangerous, especially in our busier metropolitan areas. Before school starts, discuss the following pedestrian safety tips with your child:
- Always cross at a crosswalk. Most pedestrian accidents occur while crossing the road. Whenever possible, your child should cross at a crosswalk, and even then, they should look both ways first. Just because they have a walk signal doesn’t mean drivers see them or will stop.
- Be alert. Many pedestrian accidents could have been avoided if the pedestrians had been constantly aware of their surroundings. That means no cell phones until they’ve reached their destination.
- Wear proper clothing. Depending on what time your children leave for school or head home, it could be dark. Invest in a reflective vest or make sure your child wears light-colored clothing so they stand out in the dim light.
- Travel in groups when possible. From a pedestrian’s standpoint, there really is safety in numbers. When possible, have your child walk with 2 or more others. A group will stand out to drivers and can look out for each other’s safety.
- When in doubt, call. If your child ever feels unsafe walking home, they should have someone they can call to pick them up or arrange other transport. Have a backup plan ready for days when walking isn’t an option.
At Ponce Law, we defend the rights of injured pedestrians in Nashville, but we look forward to a day when there is no one to defend. Speak with your child today about pedestrian safety, and let’s make this school year accident-free.