When you’re hurt in a crash, you have a lot of bills piling up. Your medical bills alone may be enough to empty your bank account, not to mention the costs of repairing your vehicle. And to make matters worse, your injuries may prevent you from working—and that means no paychecks for weeks or months.
So, if the insurance company calls and offers you a settlement, you may jump at the chance to get a check to cover some of your expenses. After all, your bills are due now, and you don’t have a way to pay them. A quick and easy settlement can seem like a godsend during such a difficult time, but as with most things, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
While there’s no catch on the money you’ll actually get from the insurance company, there IS a catch on the total value of your claim. And the catch is that you’ll get far less money by accepting their initial offer than you would if you pushed for more compensation, especially with a lawyer on your side. Insurance companies make big profits by avoiding fair settlements whenever possible, and that often means giving victims lowball settlements right out of the gate.
Unfortunately, accepting an initial settlement means forgoing the chance to get more compensation later. So, if you take their first offer, that’s it—you can’t come back for seconds if you find out you need more to cover your damages. Don’t take this risk! Get a Nashville auto accident lawyer from Ponce Law on your side from day one, and get the money you’re truly owed. Contact us today for a free consultation.